Odprava v Albanijo 2017

Category: Activities Published: Sunday, 15 October 2017

Shpela e Zeze - najdaljša albanska jama

Konec meseca avgusta 2017 se je jamarski klub Luka Čeč udeležil slovensko italijanske jamarske odprave v Albanijo. Cilj odprave so bila nadaljnja raziskovanja jame Sphela e Zeze, ki leži v severnem delu Albanskih alp. V jami so prve raziskave opravili ze Italijani v devetdesetih letih, potem pa so se jim pred desetletjem pridružili Slovenci. Največji del jame je bil raziskan prav z delom slovenskih ekip, saj se je več italijanskih jamarjev, ki so sodelovali na začetku, preusmerilo na druge albanske jame z lažjim dostopom. Člani slovenske ekipe: Mitja Mršek, Vasja Vadnov, Robert Rehar in Marjan Vilhar.

Potop v Planinski jami

Category: Activities Published: Thursday, 14 September 2017

This Saturday we went again to the Planina Cave hoping that we will find a continuation to Pivka cave in the Pivka siphon. This time, we started a new life line and a searcher along the left (southern) wall of the siphon, at a distance of 400 meters from the entrance to the siphon. The direction is similar as along the right wall (230 to 240 degrees), the depth at which we were swimming is somewhere between 55 and 65 meters. The ceiling was not visible and neither was the floor.

Progression in cave Huevos

Category: Activities Published: Wednesday, 06 September 2017

In the beginning of July 2017 we went to Kanin plateau in caving bivouac. Our goal was to further explore cave Huevos.
We took sky lift to Kanin sky resort and walked from there on. We followed the path to Peter Skalar alpine hut from where we descended to caving bivouac. It took us 2½ hours and the weather was cloudy with poor visibility. When we arrived at bivouac we immediately started fixing the gutter and barrels that collect water from the roof. Next morning we gathered caving equipment and walked to cave Huevos that's a mere 15 minutes away from bivouac.

Sport day in Osojca cave

Category: Activities Published: Friday, 30 June 2017

Every last week of school year we organize sport day at cave Osojca and as usual we made two groups. while on group was in the cave the other was practicing rope technique end then the groups switched. The children were happy  but washing machines will probably need fixing.

Caving school DZRJ Ljubljana

Category: Activities Published: Saturday, 11 March 2017

All caving clubs are striving to pass the knowledge and skills to newcomers. While school at smaller caving clubs like ours are less organized with few participants (if any) bigger caving clubs have well organised and better attended as is the case with caving school of DZRJ Ljubljana. Three members of DZRJ Luka Čeč have attended the first day in a cave with new cavers. We went to Mačkovica at the edge of Planina field

Abyss Hudi vršič

Category: Activities Published: Saturday, 28 January 2017

Past weekend explorations were going on in abyss Hudi Vršič. Mršek, Klanfa and Ana went up there on Friday evening. It took them seven hours to arrive to the cave and at three in the morning they finally left the surface. Marjan, Jokl and Matjaž gatherred in Bovec on Sathurday morning took the sky lift to Prevala and descended in the cave at four in the afternoon

Dihalniki na Ravbarkomandi

Category: Activities Published: Sunday, 22 January 2017

V Nedeljo 22.1.2017 smo se Franjo, Vid, Matej in Marjan odpravili pregledovat področje nad Pivko jamo, kjer bi bili možni dihalniki. Najprej smo se odpravili na del, kjer pride pritočni rov in tam našli nekaj dihalnikov, najbolj obetaven se nahajo točno nad jamo, natančneje nad Sebatovim rovom. Drugo območje, ki smo ga pregledali pa je bila okolica severnega dela vojaškega skladišča, kjer je prav tako majhen pritočni rov imenovan Severni pol. Na žalost na tem delu nismo našli nič.

Another caving day

Category: Activities Published: Sunday, 18 December 2016

It's been a while since we last had so much to do with new cavers. This can only be good for our club. Past sunday we were again started trainig cavers to be indoors and then went to Lenčkova cave.